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How Long Do Employers Keep Payslips? Your Guide to Understanding.


When you receive your payslip, you might not give much thought to what happens to it afterward. But have you ever wondered how long your employer is required to keep it on file? Or what happens if you need a copy of an old p40? These questions are important because they relate to your rights as an employee and your employer’s obligations under the law. In this article, we’ll explore the topic of how long employers keep p60 and answer some common questions about payroll records.


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Legal Requirements for Keeping Payslips

Employers in most countries are required by law to keep accurate payroll records for a certain period of time. The length of time varies depending on the country and the type of record, but the general rule is that employers must keep payroll records for a minimum of several years. Here are some examples:

  • In the United States, employers must keep payroll records for at least three years under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
  • In the United Kingdom, employers must keep payroll records for at least three years from the end of the tax year they relate to.
  • In Australia, employers must keep payroll records for at least seven years under the Fair Work Act.

Best Practices for Keeping Payslips

While the law sets a minimum requirement for how long employers must keep p60, many employers choose to keep them for longer periods of time. This can be helpful in case of audits, disputes, or other situations where payroll records might be needed. Here are some best practices for keeping p40:

  • Store payslips in a secure, organized manner. This can include physical files or digital records, as long as they are protected from unauthorized access and backed up regularly.
  • Keep track of changes to payroll records, such as adjustments to wages or deductions, and document the reasons for the changes.
  • Have a clear policy for providing copies of p60 to employees who request them, and make sure the policy complies with privacy and data protection laws.
Employers Keep Payslip
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can employers keep payslips indefinitely?

A: While there is no legal requirement to do so, employers may choose to keep payslips indefinitely for their own records.

However, they must still comply with data protection laws and ensure that the records are stored securely.

Q: Can employees request copies of old payslips?

A: Yes, in most cases employees have the right to request copies of their p60. Employers should have a policy in place for handling these requests, which may include charging a fee for providing copies.

Q: What happens if an employer loses an employee’s payslip?

A: Employers should take steps to prevent loss of payroll records, such as storing them securely and backing them up regularly. If a payslip is lost, the employer may need to reconstruct the record based on other documentation.


In summary, employers are generally required to keep payroll records for a minimum period of time, but many choose to keep them for longer periods.

It’s important for employers to have a clear policy for handling payroll records, including how long they will be kept and how employees can access them.

As an employee, you have the right to request copies of your payslips and ensure that your employer is complying with data protection laws.