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How To Get Copies of old Payslips? Best Guide

“How To Get Copies of old Payslips”? Here, we guide you to complete. Employee payslips are an important document for employers to keep track of employee hours worked and earnings. This is why companies often make sure they retain them in case an employee leaves. If you need a payslip, your best bet is to ask your former employer for it. Otherwise, you’ll have to make do with what you have.


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How To Get Copies of old Payslips?

1. Understand the State Laws

Employee payslips are an important document for employers to keep track of employee hours worked and earnings. This is why companies often make sure they retain them in case an employee leaves. If you need pay slips, your best bet is to ask your former employer for them. Otherwise, you’ll have to make do with what you have.


2. Contact Your Former Supervisor Or Human Resources

Contact your old supervisor or Human Resources department representative, if applicable, at your previous job. Ask whom you should contact for assistance or what steps you need to take to request copies of old pay stubs or payroll records, as well as the amount of time it will take for completion of the request. If you’re given contact information for payroll or accounting, contact that office and ask for instructions.

Once you’ve followed all of the steps, the company should respond to your request. This process usually takes anywhere from a few weeks to several months. During that time, they’ll ask you to continue to send in your paystubs, and they’ll also contact you periodically to make sure everything’s going well. They’ll even sometimes give you a chance to ask for additional time.


3. Paperwork

Sign the form or letter and submit it by fax, postal mail, email, or in person. If your former employer requires a fee for this service, pay the fee by check, money order, credit card, or debit card.

4. Considerations

If you dropped off a physical package in the office, then your request should arrive shortly after you do. For electronic requests, wait for three to five business days to check in.


Don’t be afraid to call us for assistance. We’re happy to answer your questions and provide any information you need. Just call us at 0845 052 9692 or use our online contact form.


I lost my payslips from my old company. Can I re-reply by asking for them?

Yes. You can ask your former employer to send you your old payslip. However, they may not be able to send them to you. They may be in the process of destroying them.